Hey! Nice to Have you Here, I'm
Advocate for young women in
governance, environmental politics
and strongs institutions. -
Hey! Nice to Have you Here, I'm
Advocate for young women in
governance, environmental politics
and strongs institutions.

Who is Amb. Martha Agba?
Martha Agba is a citizen of Nigeria, politician, Philanthropist, and a girl child advocate.
Miss Agba who has shown great passion and commitment to affect the lives of the Vulnerable, downtrodden as well as the poor, showed great love and passion while interacting with them in different Refugees camps, IDPS, hospitals, engages in community sensitization and peacekeeping.
She is an advocate for gender equity, young women in governance, environmental politics, human rights and food security. A graduate from Madonna university and MSc holder of international affairs and strategic studies from Nigeria defense academy,transformation leadership and governance from ubiquity university, contemporary issues in world politics from university de napoli federico, human right defenders from amnesty international, countering trafficking in humanitarian setting from Iom UN campus, School of politics policies and governance ,(sppg)amidst other certifications including UNWFP


University of Washington
Leadership and Management in Global Health
University di Napoli Federico II
Contemporary Issues in World Politics
IOM UN Migration Campus
Counter Trafficking in Humanitarian Settings (CTHS)